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Spring maintenance

2020-12-02 14:07:14

The clutch spring is subjected to static pressure most of the time. When it is used for too long, plastic deformation will occur, the free length of the valve spring will be shortened, and the elastic force will be weakened. After the elasticity of the clutch spring is weakened. The torque that the clutch can transmit will be reduced, and the power of the engine will not be fully utilized, which will cause the locomotive to work weakly. When the elasticity of the clutch spring is weakened,


The spring manufacturer can add a spacer of appropriate thickness to the pit of the part contacting the spring for adjustment. When adding gaskets, pay attention to that the free length (including gasket thickness) of each spring on the same clutch assembly should be the same. If the spring cannot restore the original elastic force after adding the gasket, a new set of springs should be replaced. Under normal circumstances, when the spring is used for 2500~3000h, 1~2mm thick gasket should be added to adjust the pressure; after 5000h, all springs should be replaced at the same time


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