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Common sense of auto spring products

2020-12-02 14:16:18

Common sense of supplies for car seat springs

There are many brands in the market, good and bad, it is recommended to buy well-known brands. A piece of rubber with a special but inconspicuous shape can reduce bumps and tilts while driving, which is not only comfortable, but also safer.

Generally speaking, for a new car, the shock absorber plays a role in making driving more comfortable; and when the shock absorber spring is used for a long time, it tends to be insensitive due to lack of elasticity, and it is easy to cause accidents. A shock absorber can replace the complexity and high price of modified shock springs.

Elasticity index is a key point of purchase

In the Beijing automotive supplies market, reporters found that there are many brands of such products, but the quality is uneven. On the surface, the technical content of this product is not high, and there are many and miscellaneous spring supply brands on the market. But in fact, if you want to buy a suitable shock absorber, you must pay special attention to its elasticity index. The product is installed in the gap between the shock absorber spring. When the car is running, the shock absorber spring keeps beating back and forth. The product must have strong elasticity and move with the spring, otherwise the car interior spring will be lost. The meaning of existence.

Do not use tools to pry and dampen the spring when installing the spring

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The distance between the springs is a problem that needs to be paid attention to when installing shock absorbers. Under normal circumstances, it is better to install the car spring shock absorber in the middle of the spring. When installing the shock absorber, try not to use tools to pry pressure, so as not to damage the shock absorber. Of course, before doing the above steps, first use a jack to support the body and wash the springs with water. After the installation is complete, rotate the car shock absorber to the left and right a few times to check whether all the springs are installed in the spring groove; whether the outer edge of the buffer is scratched against the fender; whether the buffer overlaps. At the same time, in order to prevent the shock absorber from sliding to the bottom of the spring when the car is running, a stop card needs to be installed.

Common problem handling

1. The outer edge of the shock absorber is rubbed against the mudguard to rotate or down rotate the buffer to allow the opening to rub against the point, but the downward rotation amplitude cannot reach the bottom of the spring. If you can't avoid the scratching point after rotating up and down, use a sharper knife to cut off the scratching part of the fender.

2. Overlap of the shock absorber As the diameter of the shock absorber is larger than the diameter of the spring, the overlapping part of the shock absorber must be cut off in this case. When cutting, cut equally at both ends of the buffer, not at one end.


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